Many people having been asking me how my fast is going. Not just friends and family, but that random girl I met once and that guy who lives in my building and other casual acquaintances. I'm not sure if it's because they are concerned for me or because they are curious about fasting. I suspect it's a little of both. Honestly, I have found that the fast is easier than I thought it would be. Sure, it has it's challenging moments. There are times where it would be way more convenient to send a text and meals where all I want is to gobble up a big bowl of mint chocolate chip. But overall, I'm surprised at the ease I have already found in giving everything up.
I think the part of my fast people are most shocked and curious about is the "no texting" policy. I've had questions from "How do you do it?" to "How do people contact you?" like it's a necessity and there's no other way to talk to someone. Of my fast, it is definitely the part that has impacted me the most, and while my friends may be annoyed that they have to actually pick up the phone and call me, I am really enjoying not texting anyone. I have begun to notice how much time it consumes in my daily life, and how much it distracts me.
Walking across the quad, I could count on one hand the number of people not doing something on their phone. I walk past friends who don't see me because they are absorbed in a text message or liking a picture on Instagram. I look around at the natural allure and elegance of this campus, knowing that no one else is paying attention to the exquisiteness of a sunny day in Alabama. It's sad really, how much of the world we miss because we are constantly consumed by the world we create.