Saturday, December 20, 2014

13 Tips for Your First Semester of College

Well, the first semester of my college experience has come to a close, and I can't help but think that in a few short months, college has completely astounded, befuddled, and shocked me in more ways than one. I have learned interesting, strange, and helpful things in and outside of the classroom. Here's a few snapshots from my experience, and a teeny bit of advice too.

1. You're going to miss home. If you haven't gone to college yet, you probably think I'm crazy. How could I possibly miss having to check in with my parents every 10 minutes or my mom nagging me about homework? Once you move out though, you'll realize how amazing it is to have someone care about you that much. You'll miss your mom's chicken noodle soup and loving hugs when you're sick and her advice when you don't know what to do. You'll miss kisses from your puppy and playing golf with your dad. You never know what you have til it's gone. I certainly took everything I had for granted.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Divine To-do List

Recently, I had an old friend email me and ask me about passion. Specifically about my passions. And since I typed it all up for her, I thought I would share it with you as well. 

What is Elsie passionate about?

Monday, November 17, 2014

The truth hurts, but it's just a slap in the face

We have all experienced it...that time when someone tells you the truth and it feels like a bag of bricks just hit you in the face. It hurts. Everyone realizes it. And that's why so many times we are afraid to speak the truth. We hemm and hah over it and just think "well, if I don't tell them, it will be better". And then we begin to rationalize our thinking with other 'supporting' thoughts like "there's no point in telling them the truth, it will just hurt them" and "it's awkward, I don't want to talk about it" and then you're left with spinach in your teeth or a dress that indeed does make your butt look fat or a relationship that's all wrong. Even worse, you're left with a friend who is lying directly to your face, so they 'don't hurt you'.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

freedom is a misconception

It has been quite some time since I have written, and honestly that's because I have been so incredibly busy. College has definitely been an adventure already. I must say, I like college. I do. But I feel there is a common misconception about college.

Before leaving home, students always say "I just can't wait for the freedom". I've even had people ask me about how it feels to be on my own, how all the freedom feels. If you're a future college student, standing in your kitchen, talking about this, I promise you are bound to be disappointed. Because all that freedom you anticipate feeling, it doesn't come from college.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Vida en Viña

¡Me encanta Viña! Las últimas semanas han sido increíbles. Aprendí mucho durante mis clases y en mi casa también. Mi clase favorita es lingüística porque es muy difícil, nuevo, y interesante. Todos los estudiantes y mis profesores son muy cómico y simpáticas. También, mi familia es perfecta para mi.

Mis días están llenos con muchas actividades...incluyen cocinando con mi familia, bailando, cantando, corriendo con amigos en las calles, zumba con mi mama, y muchas aventuras. Durante clase de baile nosotros aprendimos bailes de la Isla de Pascua, la cueca (baile oficial de Chile), Cacharpaja, y otros danzas. Este clase es muy divertido :)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Una Nueva Mundial

¡Estoy en Chile!  Este país es muy diferente.
Vivo en una casa con mi mamá, papá, dos hermanas (Coni y Bea), una chica de la programa (Lindsey) y un hermano de Connecticut (John). Tengo un otro hermano pero no vive en mi casa. Él asiste escuela militar y tiene un bebé. 
Me gusta este ciudad mucho. Es muy muy bonita y el océano está cerca de mi casa. El tiempo no es malo aquí. Los primeros días llovió por dos días sin sol o parar. Hizo frío y no me gusta. Pero ahora es más mejor. Hoy llevé una camiseta y pantalones cortas. El sol es más fuerte aquí. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

3 Días

No puedo creer que me voy a Chile en tres días. ¡Es loco! Estoy muy emocionada pero muy nervioso tambien. Viviré con mi neuva familia...un madre, padre, dos hermanas, y un hermano. Mis hermanas son 14 y 16. Mi hermano es 22 y asiste una escuela militar. 

Este sitio será mi diario mientras estoy allí. Escribiré una vez por semana. Deseo incluir fotos. 

¡Por favor revise con frecuencia! ¡Muchas Gracias!

Friday, January 24, 2014

My Next Adventure...

I am so very excited because today I discovered I have been accepted to the Indiana University Honors Program in Foreign Language. I will be living in Vina del Mar, Chile this summer for 7 weeks to study and volunteer! What an amazing opportunity for me! I can't wait!