Monday, November 17, 2014

The truth hurts, but it's just a slap in the face

We have all experienced it...that time when someone tells you the truth and it feels like a bag of bricks just hit you in the face. It hurts. Everyone realizes it. And that's why so many times we are afraid to speak the truth. We hemm and hah over it and just think "well, if I don't tell them, it will be better". And then we begin to rationalize our thinking with other 'supporting' thoughts like "there's no point in telling them the truth, it will just hurt them" and "it's awkward, I don't want to talk about it" and then you're left with spinach in your teeth or a dress that indeed does make your butt look fat or a relationship that's all wrong. Even worse, you're left with a friend who is lying directly to your face, so they 'don't hurt you'.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

freedom is a misconception

It has been quite some time since I have written, and honestly that's because I have been so incredibly busy. College has definitely been an adventure already. I must say, I like college. I do. But I feel there is a common misconception about college.

Before leaving home, students always say "I just can't wait for the freedom". I've even had people ask me about how it feels to be on my own, how all the freedom feels. If you're a future college student, standing in your kitchen, talking about this, I promise you are bound to be disappointed. Because all that freedom you anticipate feeling, it doesn't come from college.