Saturday, December 20, 2014

13 Tips for Your First Semester of College

Well, the first semester of my college experience has come to a close, and I can't help but think that in a few short months, college has completely astounded, befuddled, and shocked me in more ways than one. I have learned interesting, strange, and helpful things in and outside of the classroom. Here's a few snapshots from my experience, and a teeny bit of advice too.

1. You're going to miss home. If you haven't gone to college yet, you probably think I'm crazy. How could I possibly miss having to check in with my parents every 10 minutes or my mom nagging me about homework? Once you move out though, you'll realize how amazing it is to have someone care about you that much. You'll miss your mom's chicken noodle soup and loving hugs when you're sick and her advice when you don't know what to do. You'll miss kisses from your puppy and playing golf with your dad. You never know what you have til it's gone. I certainly took everything I had for granted.

2. Making friends is hard. Now, I've always considered myself an outgoing, friendly person. I thought making friends would be a piece of cake. But I never really thought about the fact that I haven't made any new friends since freshman year of high school. Some of my friends I've known since I was in the awkward middle school stage filled with braces and bangs and awkward crushes. When I got to college, meeting people was so easy, but actually becoming friends was hard. It took effort and putting myself out there. 

3. You're going to feel alone. When your parents leave you at your dorm {with tears in their eyes} you'll probably feel ecstatic; free even. But I assure you that you will realize how alone you are at some point. For some it hits right away, for others, it may take more time. I hit that wall about half way through the semester, and let me tell you, it's not a fun place to be. Being far from  home means being far from everything I've ever known, including my family, friends, and favorite coffee shop. I had to realize that it's okay to feel alone sometimes, but not to ignore those that are around you trying to be there for you. 

4. College is hard. I wasn't really prepared for the amount of work college is. The classes are challenging and the teachers aren't going to hold your hand through it. Most professors will mention a project or paper once and then expect you to remember it. It's important to write everything down on a calendar once you receive your syllabus because it most likely won't be mentioned again. 

5. But college is fun! If all you do at college is study, you're doing it wrong. College should be an entire experience, not just school. Make sure to take a break from class and papers to do something fun. Grades are important, but making college something to remember is too. 

6. Attendance Counts. It's true, you don't have to go to class in college. However, it is important. Many professors will cut you some slack or give you extra help if you attend class regularly. I had a professor this semester that only gave the final study guide to people who came to class nearly every day. Be warned: just because it's college doesn't mean attendance doesn't matter. Make sure to check the fine print of the syllabus because many professors will dock your grade after so many absences. 

7. Get Locked In. Choose one thing you're really passionate about. One thing that you know you can't go without in your life. It may be sports, music, student government, or kickboxing. No matter what it is, figure out what that one thing is for you and make it a priority to get locked into a group or intermural or club quickly. For me, it was religion. I knew I needed to find a church and a campus ministry. Yet, I didn't really commit myself to it. I convinced myself I was "still looking" for a good fit, even though I wasn't really. When the middle of semester came around, I had been to one church and one campus ministry. Both had seemed to fit perfectly with what I wanted, yet I had only been a couple of times. Going back after a break was hard, and I had to force myself to go and try not to feel awkward. Make sure to find that thing you want to do early on and stick with it.If you don't do it in the beginning, you may end up not doing it at all. 

8. You're Not Stuck. After the first couple of weeks (or months) people kind of find a place that they call their own. For some, it's a perfect little path winding through the woods, and for others it's a rut. They don't like who they have become, who their friends are, or what their major is. The truth is, they're not stuck, and you won't be either. It is never too late to find new friends or to change your major. Make sure you love the life you're living, because it's your life

9. College Isn't Going to Change You. It's just not. You can change you, and you can give others the opportunity to change you, but it really comes down to you. For more on this read my article freedom is a misconception

10. Find Your Spot. Everyone has a preferred study area. For some it's the quad, others it may be their peaceful dorm room or the silent 5th floor of the library. For me, it's Starbucks. I have found that I study best with other people around, the warm aroma of coffee in the air, and some indie music playing through my headphones. This is my spot.  At the beginning of the semester, I tried out everything. I got too distracted in my room {my bed was always calling my name} and in the library I felt so uncomfortable. I was terrified of sneezing for fear of the glares that might follow. I felt like I couldn't breathe. That definitely was not conductive to studying. Starbucks is my perfect study area. However, it's not for everyone. It's important to figure out where you can be most productive and quickly because the classes aren't going to wait for you. 

11. Take Chances. Caution is completely overrated. My best memories from first semester came from doing things I never thought I would. Cliff jumping, riding the handlebars of a bike, and going on a date with a stranger, while crazy-sounding, turned out to be amazing. Those are the times I am going to remember. 

12. Try Something New. It's okay to stick to what you know. Do things you're already great at. But if there's something you've always wanted to try, try it. I've already heard so many of my friends say, "I've always wanted to try that, but I just never have". Well, why not? Go try it today. All you're doing is wasting time. Who knows, maybe you'll find your new favorite person or a fun new hobby. 

13. College is a Roller Coaster. That's the best way to describe my first semester of college. There were days I absolutely hated college and days that I had never been happier. It's a whirlwind of classes, new people, fun experiences, and challenges. The only thing you can do is anticipate the high and scream on the way down. 

"College is a ticket to an adventure beyond the parameters of what you’ve experienced so far. It’s a passport to the far side of what you already know. It’s a chance to be challenged, not coddled. To be provoked, not pacified." 
{from this NY Times article about choosing a college}

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