Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Divine To-do List

Recently, I had an old friend email me and ask me about passion. Specifically about my passions. And since I typed it all up for her, I thought I would share it with you as well. 

What is Elsie passionate about?

I want to inspire people. I want to make a profound impact…I want to change the world by changing people. I want to be the reason someone didn’t give up, the one that changed their outlook, their self-esteem, or their situation. I aspire to be a giver…..of love, of kindness, of strength. If I could be the one that makes a difference for just one person, that’s something. That’s not enough for me, but that’s something. I feel so driven to help others. And in the end, I want that to hand that’s stretched out to also be pointing to God. I’ve never felt called to spread God’s word, to bring others to the faith directly. Honestly I’m not sure if I feel this way because it’s really not something that God planned for me or because it scares the hell out of me. It’s intimidating. I’m just not sure. But I do feel like I prefer to help people and let that be showing God’s love to them. In fact, the bible states that we were made to do good works.

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." -Ephesians 2:10 

Think about that. We were MADE for it; not called to it, not commanded to do it. NO, MADE. CREATED. God specifically hand-crafted each of us to do good deeds. The reason that God, an all-mighty, powerful God created us, is so that we could do good works in Him. That just blows my mind. 

And after that, a very important aspect of the verse… “ which God prepared for us to do." I truly believe that God gave me…gave everyone…a divine to-do list. In the bible there are multiple verses that talk about how God has a plan for each of us, and I think people underestimate that. We forget how very important those plans are. His plans for us are so amazing that we can hardly fathom them. I believe that if my dreams don’t scare me and make others laugh, they aren’t big enough. Because the biggest dream in the world would still be tiny in comparison to the ways that God is able to use me. 

Recently in church we talked about being rich. The definition of rich is having more than you need. I want to be rich in good deeds. I want to give so much that I am a good-deed zillionaire.
And so, I guess I’m passionate about helping others. Whether it’s opening a door for someone, bringing someone coffee, helping someone with homework, or volunteering to build something. It doesn’t matter how big or small. If I can make someone smile, just for a second, I’m doing my job right. After all, I’m doing what I was made to do; good works for Christ. And isn’t that what we’re all looking for? Some way to find fulfillment, to feel like we have found our place in the world and accomplished something? I believe that we all have the same calling, we’re just ignoring it in search of something else. God already made our divine to-do list, we just have to follow what's on it.  

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