Monday, February 2, 2015

I'm texting again....kind of.

I'm shocked really, just how quickly the fast actually went by. I can't believe it's over already, and how easy it was. People keep asking how I did it, how I could have possibly given all of that up for that long. I am baffled by this question. The answer is simple: I just said I would, publicly committed to it, and did it. It's really not hard, you just put your phone down, stop reaching for the sweets, and focus on other (more important) tasks.

It is said that it scientifically takes 21 days to form a habit. And after this fast, I'm starting to think it's true. I find myself reaching for the peanuts and fruit instead of chips. I left my phone in my car, completely forgetting about it's existence, and I still call people on autopilot, as if texting is a completely foreign concept to me now. I still have yet to log into my Twitter and I've been on Instagram once. I don't feel the need to eat chocolate every second or to fill the gap time I face standing in line or on the bus. I feel completely satisfied to be disconnected to the world for a while and just breathe and think.

If this fast taught me anything, it's how much time we waste on things that don't matter and how positively distracted we are. all the time. Putting everything down demonstrated to me how much free time I have when I don't waste it. It provides time to study more, surprise friends with gifts, hang out with people, and just relax more.

Getting on Facebook for the first time after the fast, you know what I discovered? This:

And you would think that was a problem. That there were important notifications in there, but there weren't. Not when they are put in perspective. So someone wanted to add me as a friend and someone added a photo of me. While great, it's not something that couldn't have waited another day, or week, or month. 

You know what happens when you turn off your phone for a while? Life goes on. We don't need to be constantly connected to something. It's unnecessary. We are all tethered; attached to this little device we think contains our life. You probably picture this tether as a small rope, maybe even a thread. I think it's a chain. Heavy and metal and weighing us down. But, I wrote a whole other post about phones and I will therefore get off my soap box and stop ranting about it. 

 I would highly encourage anyone that has ever considered something like my soul fast and even those that haven't, to pray on it. Even if you aren't religious, think about taking some time away from the things that distract you and focus on those truly important parts of your life. I think you will be shocked at the difference you will find in your life.

I am so incredibly delighted I decided to do this fast.  It was a blessing that God used to shine light into my life. I feel happier, healthier, and calmer. Life seems more simplistic, more beautiful, and more fulfilling now. And even though it's over, it made a lasting difference on me.

So don't be surprised if you see me eating carrots next to a platter of cookies or receive a call just to chat.  

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