Monday, June 4, 2012


Today was my first day of regular VBS, and what a day it was! Since Joelle left for Haiti this morning, I took her spot as Noah's partner at Galilee Grace. For some reason, this orphanage was the one I had felt the deepest connection with, and I was so happy when I found out I would be getting to go back there. We played games (Duck, Duck, Goose; Tiger/Sheep; and at least 100 rounds of Heads-Up, Seven-Up), sang a bunch of songs, and did a lesson on the crucifixion. Our craft was to make necklaces, and since we made extra, I made a bracelet. Then all the kids wanted bracelets too of course, so we ended up spending a ton of time on our craft :) overall, the day went really well, and I sincerely enjoyed working with Noah. That night we got to take the kids from Galilee Grace out to dinner with us. Most of them had never even been in a restaurant before, which is so sad considering their age. It was so cute, they tried SO hard to eat with their silverware, and at first, they were all eating really awkwardly and I couldn't figure out why. Then, I realized it was because they aren't used to using silverware. I told Joshua to tell them they didn't have to use it. When he did, relief spread across their faces. They all threw down their forks and knives and dug in with their fingers. They didn't know they didn't have to use it. By the end of dinner, every kid was stuffed to the brim. There was no way any of them could eat another bite. I was afraid some of them would be sick because their bodies aren't used to all the food. After everyone was done eating, we had a huge dance party in the restaurant, including a conga line. Even though everyone was staring at us, it was so much fun.

It was a good day :)

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